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Welcome to my website! I write children’s books, edit educational resources, swim, sweat, paddle, and explore.

눈부신 여성 디자이너 Surprise!

눈부신 여성 디자이너 Surprise!

I was dazzled and delighted to find two copies of Dazzling Women Designers in my mail box yesterday. What an amazing surprise! These didn't look anything like my other copies, though. They are Korean translations. The cover looks completely different, as does the inside -- and I don't just mean the text. Many of the photos are new and they have more photos showing the designers' work. The cover features fabric designed by Senegal's Aissa Dione and India's Ritu Kumar.  I spotted a photo of R2D2 in the profile about robot designer Cynthia Breazeal. No, she didn't design it; she's my age and would have been a kid when Star Wars came out. Breazeal was influenced by the robots in Star Wars and loved R2D2 and C-3P0.

The book's dimensions are 6-6/8 x 8-1/4", making it more square. It's thick, too! Oooh, and it has French flaps.

Here's one inside spread from interior designer Aissa Dione's profile:

What a neat feeling it is to think of children in Korea reading my book. I will cherish my copies -- absolutely!

"The Future of Canadian Publishing"

"The Future of Canadian Publishing"

Amelia Bloomer List 2012

Amelia Bloomer List 2012